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Old 12-27-04, 02:33 PM   #30
Rastafari Walk Tall
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Posts: 4,527
From: East London, (Hackney)

Was expectin anuva L to da T victory here but i gotta go wit Un'touched.

1. Cutting:
Both as good as eachotha
2. Backround:
Untouched's was off da heazy....tizzle's looked simpler like it might hav jus been a strectched pic..altho it probably was some multi-layered, 4hour piece of jus didnt look it and Untouched's jus looked doper
3. Font:
Font overall has 2 go Tizzle..was feelin his more altho his subtext font is played....Untouched's font was aight but with a betta font his sig could have been even hotter
4. Blending:
Like the DefJAmRecordings blended in oon untouched;s sig....
5. Quality:
Both as pics as gd a quality as other's
6. Originality:
Likin untouched's smoke....first time Tizz has tried that font - so a tie
7. Colors:
8. Level of Difficulty:
Untouched's looks a hella lot more difficult than Tizzle's cos of smoke, bg and the amount of things goin on in sig....tizzle's "appears" simpler due to its spaciousness - so Untouched
9. Appearance:
Untouched's looks more impressive than Ltizzle's
10. Overall Score:
........ltizzle- 7.5/10 - u've set ur self high standards afta the Camo sig....lets jus hope its not your :Thong Song"- if u get me lol
Un'Touched- 8.5/10- dope sig

Untouched overall

RTF in my GFX battle against Youngun.

"His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, King of Kings of Ethiopia and Elect of God"


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