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Old 12-27-04, 09:51 PM   #1
MC Ill C
New to RV
Posts: 5
POINT MADE!!! (Why I was ever here in the first place)


Your boy Nostradamus has the point down. The beefin and shit in both of our forums is doing nothing but poisoning hip hop. Here's Nos' testimony of truth:

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
Every single time I log into this forum. I see idiots..
So let me make something really clear because I am going to put an end to stupidity right here and now.

People really need to start acting mature on this site, this is not a kindergarten playground and I'm not going to stick around to watch a bunch of 13 year olds freepost and act like fuckwhits in this forum.

I aint talking about anyone in particular, and I aint angry or nuthin.. But lets all try and grow up a bit here.. Let me point a few things out to you all and explain why people think you're herbs..

1. The Lyricist Lounge is a place for discussion of currant events, updates on what people are doing in their lives and on this site, movies people have seen, etc. People who create threads in this forum about another member that is pissing them off, will now be banned from the LL untill further notice. (Untill they PM myself or Havocc with a good reason as to why they shouldnt be banned.) The "Anything Goes" forum is a perfect place for any beef threads or hate threads, call out threads, 'Ducking' threads you have..

2. Freeposting. I dont know if people are just such morons they think freeposting will gain them respect or whether they are just trying to up their post count.. Let me explain something to you, these forums are not Poke'Mon.. Your post count does not define your skill level or level of experience. You dont get a prize for having a large post count. I personally would like to take away the 15 character rule on posting, but at the moment most of you arnt showing enough maturity to be able to sensibly post one word replies without being stupid about it. Bottom line is, these forums arnt chat programs, so dont use them that way.

3. The way you act reflects on the way people treat you. If your not a comedian, dont try and be one.. Time after time I've seen idiots try and crack jokes that arnt funny on these forums.. I really hate to be brutally honest, but if your 14 and under, your jokes generally arnt going to be funny to someone who he older than you. Thats only the truth.. Dont hate me for saying that, just up your game a bit.

And lastly, how about we try and start using proper grammar.. Its not hard to put a capitol at the start of a sentence and use commars and full stops.. Its pathetic how badly some people type on these forums.. Tell me who you would honestly take more seriously..Or..
Its all just common sense..

So how about RV kids start growing up and acting mature.. These rap sites started for underground rap artists and lyricists to meet with like minded people and do what they enjoy doing.. This place is not a popularity contest, its not a place for stupidity and meaningless chatter.. Its not a place for people to act like their better than everyone else.. Its a place for people to elevate at writing lyrics and work on their rapping abilities..

If you act right, you will become a much more respected member of this site.. If you dont act right, I am going to try my hardest to have you banned from this forum. Remember that next time you go to be an idiot in here.


We both had a convo on AIM and we both agree. I signed up here because I came to make a point:


This is a message to all admins and mods on RV: You run a good establishment. Keep it that way. Those herbasses wanna cause drama on other forums it's doing nothing but degrading the state of your forum.

To the high ranking members of this forum: Keep your sense of respect and shun these peeps. I've already started to tell some of our peeps to lay off RV. Do the same and let's keep the respect. Hip hop is about respect, not beef.

Let's keep this battle friendly. Enough of this crap. I came here to put up a front to prove the point that it's doing nothing but poisoning both of our forums.

Peace out RV... catch me on a few text battles here.

BTW... mad respect to Nostradamus, first person here to really feel my point. Peace.
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