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Old 12-28-04, 01:38 PM   #4
Hells Fire
Life is a Constant Battle
Hells Fire's Avatar
Posts: 702
From: Minnesota
just in case i need a verse


cops come to the door askin for the kid B dot wall
i answer sayin yeah thats me whats the problem yall
he tells me he got warrant for my ass and that i killed my wife
i tell him that i had extassy for the first time n was a crazy night
looking back the woman and me wanted to go n get wild
was like my birthday so i was expectin those legs like a child
we went to hooters of all places and she showed me the pill
we ran home trippin couldnt drive so i bought taxi what a thrill
she started suckin my dick and rubbin the tits she stated by will
that she had been fuckin this other kat and that was that...
had serious and delerious thoughts of killin my wife pat...
we got home and i passed out n started this crazy dream i couldnt wake up...
see i grabbed the knife ran up to my wife while she was still puttin on make up
i put my hand ova her mouth n cut her up with one to the throat then the gut
she started spraying blood in the bathroom tub n im not talk like threw da butt
took some pinesole and a bar a soap went to work like a maid for the pope...
took the bitch rolled her up in rug showed threw in trunk damn blood on robe..
i called the cops for some reason because i needed an allaby what i was told
i threw the bitch in the river so she would rot decompose from all the mold
then i walked home and nervousness creeped in the door behind me damn
was lookin out the windows pairinoid of the government and the man
took too much alcohol that night real strong shit like jack yeah the brand
watched mtv till i fell asleep because p.diddy was still makin the band
woke up this morning went to the bathroom looked at somethin like an ear
threw up on the floor felt like i was coughin a lung then i smelt the fear
The officer looked at me like i was charles manson psychopath
shit would have never happened if it wasnt for the x and the bath
