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Old 12-28-04, 04:23 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Doomsday
You can thank the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations for this. They're the ones that did the research to find that the human mind can be influenced my verbal messages even when given in reverse since the subconcious is making observations all the time that the concious does not. They're also the ones who engineered the Beatles to break your mind subliminally. The Beatles (unbeknownst to them) were the first to lay it down seeing that a large percentage of their songs have subliminal messages in them and many have followed suit - Particularly English entertainers. The Tavistock instutute is also responsible for a good 90% of the slang we use today which is a tool to break down communication by using words that mean nothing relevant to the topic, or jargon that means a negative thing and get you to use it as a positive thing and vice versa. Wake up.

Wow.....I crave the information thank you!
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