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Old 12-28-04, 05:21 PM   #6
Rastafari Walk Tall
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Posts: 4,527
From: East London, (Hackney)

-more of a topical than a poetic verse
-ur focus was more on plot development and less on imagery
-standard approach to the given topiv - no originality
-gd vocab
-structure was okay
-try 4 more imagerythrough uses of metaphors and similies

-nice structure: use of stanza's showed you thought about the themes in ur verses
-gd vocab
-imagery created all the way throught
-nice approach to given topic - evaluating the consequences

Vote : George K Stanza

"His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, King of Kings of Ethiopia and Elect of God"


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