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Old 12-31-04, 03:17 PM   #33
'Member Those Golden Days
Posts: 8,229

1. Cutting-
...For$aken: cuttin is ok. it is really choppy on his arm that is raised.
Un'Touched: good cutting, you get this one.

2. Backround-
...For$aken: Kind of boring backround, goes well, but not as detailed as Untouched.
Un'Touched: Ok backround, lotta brushes kind of obscure the backround,but good overall.

3. Font-
...For$aken: Ok font, goes well witht the sig, the subtext is aight.
Un'Touched: ok font, doesnt go as well as For$aken's did. subtext characters have too much space between em.

4. Blending-
...For$aken: Nothing to rate
Un'Touched: Nothing to rate

5. Quality-
...For$aken: Quality isnt that great, really choppy on his arm, other than that, its aight.
Un'Touched: Cartoon thing doesnt go well, not a fan of it. Its ok. You get this.

6. Originality-
...For$aken: Not much.
Un'Touched: Not much.

7. Colors-
...For$aken: Colors go well, specially with Poseidon. You get this one for difficulty
Un'Touched: Just black and white.

8. Level of Difficulty-
...For$aken: 6/10, hardest part would be the cutting.
Un'Touched: 7/10, hardest part would be the backround.

9. Appearance-
...For$aken: 7/10
Un'Touched: 6.5/10

10. Overall Score-
...For$aken: 7/10
Un'Touched: 7.5/10

For$aken- 3 Categories
Un'Touched- 5 categories


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