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Old 01-02-05, 09:12 PM   #8
Rastafari Walk Tall
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Posts: 4,527
From: East London, (Hackney)

Voted For: Limited Edition

yo Ol' School ur voice sounds camp as fuck man in the intro its so camp its h8
ur beatboxing is aight..ur verse HAHAAHAHHAHAH no offence but man that was shit even for a was so lame:
1) u slurred ur words to try and gain extra time to think of words
2)ur freestyle scheme was off the beat..that u made!!
3) too damn long, u xceeded ur own limit so you loose by default
4)when ur rhyming u stop for a long pause just to swallow saliva -we can hear the gulp LOL funny
3)ur accapella drop was the best bit
4)u actually picked up ur verse and got going for a lil bit..2 b honest i stopped at 4.30second h8..but man..simply..NO

gd attempt at being underground i suppose

Limited Edition: what can i say..after i listened 2 that i knew ud win..standard drop from you- ok flow overall, decent beat, full of punches and disses....simple as

RTF link in sig

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