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Old 01-04-05, 10:55 PM   #1
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The Art Of Killing (metaph-Oracle and Osiris)


The Art Of Killing


cracked sidewalks serve as canyons for rivers of blood,
my gun always drops the Farenheit so you start shiverin son,
i hurt cowards, follow you in a hearse full of flowers,
scared? my name rings bells on streets like church towers,
the steeple, dont fuck with my people or disrespect me,
my gun protects me, directs me, verbal thoughts effect me,
i gun my switch like dislexia, my guns serve corrections,
your crew is only hard sometimes, like confused erections,
metaph's a mastermind lyrically mentally and physically,
turning on Lifetime is the only way u can get rid of me,
tony soprano, vito corleone, metaphs in the division,
ill blast two slugs into your eyes so my bullets you invision,
the art of killing, im the author, you have to root for me,
ill leave your ass under the ground like roots from trees,
i lay awak stare at night, slice you with a pair of knifes,
ill leave slugs in you bitches like u were attacked by parasites


Os1ris scorn with a chauvenist's-deeds, leave forms corroded-with-speech/ Perform water torture until your forehead errodes-and-it-bleeds!/
The cores-of-comets force of torque in orbit for my chord-synopsis/
Torment your organs with coarse courses of hoarse hoarses' porridge-vomit/
Leave your corpse-demolished, come forth-with-knowledge because I'll eat-cerebrals/
I've slain Satan to forge with his soul so I could be the evil-sequal/
No evidence from my precedence and all that CSI shit is-unnecessary/
Respectively the blood splatter only confuses you on my words-trajectory/
You'll find-your-entrails allignment-in-trails when I-syphen-your-chest-cavity/
Transform the whole world into athiests so no one can "bless-after-me"/
Mastered-the art of killin, attacking wack-emcees with blashpemy /
I'll ram-a-sheath through your guts "sew" I can add-your-meat to my tapestry!......
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