Thread: Week 2 Mag
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Old 01-04-05, 11:42 PM   #1
LyRiCaL GeEnUs
Da KiNg Of PwNaGe
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Posts: 730
From: GhEtTo
Week 2 Mag


This Weeks Mag Is Brought To You By Valor


Top Battle Of The Week
lyric vs acuity
this was an acceptionally dope battle, lyric had incredible imagery and some nice creativity in his drop, which acuity had some decent imagery but you could tell where the story was going which i wasn't feeling that, but he did have some deep emotion in this where some people decided he won the battle, i personally thought it was close and lyric should of got ....however others thought different, both dropped nice so props to you....


C.A.L.I vs Lady Fiya
i dont know i personally got pissed that lady fiya didn't show because she has too much talent in this area not to....but i still luh you girl,anyways i still was entertained to read C.A.L.I's drop it also had creativity,emotion,some decent imagery and a lot of vocab but maybe to much, so work on that alittle,it wasn't cali's best drop, but it was another good read which you never see any less from him ......props cali

winner = C.A.L.I

dabatos vs wicked clown
yet another damn no show....but wicked stilled showed
winner= wicked clown

George k. stanza vs king~dipset
this was a decent battle, it was closer than i expected,yes George had a different style in his drop but who cares, he had a solid drop, the imagery was good, and the emotion was quite vivid if you asked me, king you had an OK drop but your imagery like said before just bored me alittle and you need to work on that man, but your emotion was decent....but overall George took this one easy if you ask me

winner= george k. stanza

flow intelligent vs whyte Ave

hmmmmmm this was interesting, flow lived up to his name and had a smooth flow in his piece and a decent rhyme scheme, he had OK imagery, and decent emotion also,alltogether he had an overall decent piece, however whyte also came decent but maybe alittle simple in his read, his imagery was OK but i didn't feel any raw emotion really in this which all topical need a little emotion if you ask me....but cool battle

winner= FLOW intelligent

Interview with c.a.l.i

SoDamGrumpy: welcome to your interview
TheRealCalisHere: hi
SoDamGrumpy: so how long have you been doing poetry?
TheRealCalisHere: bout 12 years i really gave it up when i was bout 13 and i started rapping but ive always come back
TheRealCalisHere: since im older i started writing books of it and doing spoken word
SoDamGrumpy: word...nice
SoDamGrumpy: so what would you say your strongest area is in poetry?
TheRealCalisHere: love lol im a sucker for love i really love woman black white whatever race or creed doing years in prison gave me a higher apperciation for them and i really like to write about woman and love
TheRealCalisHere: :-[
SoDamGrumpy: so what are you hoping to accomplish in the poetry league?
TheRealCalisHere: well i just want people to realize that showing your emotions aint being soft its being real and that poetry is dope in all aspects theres some good talent on rv poetry wise and i want to be reconized as elite i strive to be the best so when people give me positive feedback im happy i just wanna prove myself as a poetry writer
SoDamGrumpy: word...
SoDamGrumpy: so what do you think about the compition around you in the league?
TheRealCalisHere: theres compition?!
TheRealCalisHere: word?
TheRealCalisHere: :-\
SoDamGrumpy: lol hmmmm confidence i like that....
SoDamGrumpy: so it sounds to me your going for the first ever rv poetry league championship eh?
TheRealCalisHere: well of course i doubt ill lose the harder my oppenant the harder i will try i doubt a loss will happen but it may nobodys unbeatable and acuity impressed me with his drop this week i hear lyrics dope but i havent really seen it yet
SoDamGrumpy: word.....acuity has impressed me...but dont loose hope on lyric,i feel hes just waiting for stronger compition,hill have a strong comback
TheRealCalisHere: we shall see
SoDamGrumpy: anyways who do u feel will come close to giving you a loss?
TheRealCalisHere: well i think ill gramatics could but hes not in now
TheRealCalisHere: that dude is dope at poetry
TheRealCalisHere: as for in the league if i really try no not by what ive seen i dont think so
TheRealCalisHere: theyd have to come much better cuz if i go aganist george or acuity or lyric i will come my best
SoDamGrumpy: word true to that....
SoDamGrumpy: you also seem to be on your way to the poetry league playoffs.....any new strategies you'll be using? or just the same?

TheRealCalisHere: naw basically i come madd creative as i can if the topic is about love dont write about a female thats wack if its a new world dont write about what you want to change in this one
TheRealCalisHere: come creative and you will most the time win if its dope
TheRealCalisHere: thats what i do and continue to plan on doing
SoDamGrumpy: word......well what do you say to the younger ones or other people barely starting poetry and are trying to elevate?
TheRealCalisHere: well they should feel free to express they emotions and try things noone else will there is so much you can say in poetry you cant say in rap and stop writing fucking topicals!!!that shit pisses me off people posting topicals and saying its poetry its not!!so stop it thats fucking gay
SoDamGrumpy: word lol well that was a quite interesting interview with an always honest C.A.L.I one of the undefeated poet's in the league
SoDamGrumpy: thankyou for sitting down with me
TheRealCalisHere: your welcome
TheRealCalisHere: bye now:-)

final thoughts
this week was actually a good week, i seen improvement in many of your drops, although IM still slightly disappointed in the two no shows i think its rediculous,but maybe this week it'll be different who knows, so far this week was the best week we had for this league and hopefully there will be better week's, well for those who showed this week i just want to thank you and keep it makes myself and lyric happy to run this league.....