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Old 01-09-05, 08:54 AM   #4
George K.Stanza
Posts: 162

Up and up I go -
step by step I’ve crept to collect the respect
instead my head's a mess and a set of bloody toes
is all I’m left after my trek except for the steady flow
of nightmares, the flights of stairs burned into memory
destinations and the faces of people who won't remember me
after tomorrow, perhaps another chapter in the sorrow
that's known as my life and I might decide to borrow
a map, take my tracks back in the right direction
on a path to find my mind climb with a shine to rest in
the company of what comforts me nestled at the top
but I’ve gone so many floors wondering if it'll ever stop
and when I get there is it fair to say it's what I've expected
because now I’m far too anxious to be thankful there's a message
to be learned, some how earned amidst the insecurity
of never knowing where to turn yet discerning this appears to be
the goal of my soul in an attempt to understand
what purpose the trip holds in the folds of bigger plans ...

‘cus is there a man, who can honestly say he’s never doubted
for a second he wouldn’t reach the summit and plummet off the mountain?
it’s the sound hid beneath his pleas that beats to leave compounded
the peaks that he seeks to achieve in reprieve to keep feet grounded