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Old 01-09-05, 05:49 PM   #7
(X) CeEding all Expectations
(X)eed's Avatar
Posts: 829
From: New Zealand

My we go....

I would always wonder what wuz above them white, fluffy and harmless clouds.....
Wonderin' wat it wuz all about, tried to stop my "WOW"s from goin' to far aloud
I would always look at the stars and wondered wat made the stars twinkle,
while I watched and released all the evil things in my mind which were spitful,
The night wuz so peaceful, hated the way people feared it and dispized it,
Lookin' up at the darkness made me think why i wuz on earth i realized it,
Whenever i wuz out i looked above the White Vapour for Metamorphical changes,
Stare at constellations from diffrent places and squint at the moons phases
The thought confused me! wat really cauzed the stars & clouds Displacement,
While i watched the Glimours of light in the dark light which wuz very Complacent,
"Why were clouds created?" .................................and why did God create them,
The Worst couldnt even ruin this night and thoughts not even the Great Satin......

I could swear i wuz literally flyin' and watched the 7 wonders right before my very eyes
but i realized it wuz a dream............. then stared mind wuz tellin me lies..
The emptyness of space continouslly began to really bother and puzzle me.........
I would finally get have relief after seein' my great " NIMBUS" floatin' & hoverin'
But there wuz a " CON" to it.......and really scared me and feared my mind,
Wat happens if aliens attacked our Kind and good thoughts started to Decline..
I got hold of my reality...before i lost all my insanity...radically i thought of good things
like the way god created earth, Sky And all of its tremendous living beings.........
