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Old 01-10-05, 04:54 AM   #3
Posts: 1,091

Originally Posted by Phenom-in-all
I started one... It's in the SONGS section. Stickied up top. It goes off you have to be nominated, and then seconded, and then me and Calamity decide who makes final cut. We have about 10-12 tracks already. word.

That thread is pretty old.. like 4 months old.

I'm thinking to get on the first volume, whoever submits a track:

1) Needs to still be active on RV (oh, you left? we don't care about you anymore )
2) Needs to have dropped a song/beat/audio battle on RV in '04 (basically some random person can't just show up and get on the cd)
3) 1 track per person unless they are collab-ing with another person who isn't already on it (so everyone who wants to can get a chance to get on the cd. I'll make an exception if we can't fill the cd)

Thoughts? Anything else?

I'll probably be looking at burning 50-100 copies.. first come first served. Will probably need to find someone to design a cover and track listing if I send them out in jewel cases. Since it'd be free, there probably won't be fancy colored cd covers or labels though.
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