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Old 01-13-05, 04:26 AM   #11
Whyte Ave.
Light Weight
Whyte Ave.'s Avatar
Posts: 319
From: Ill Woods, E-Town

Caught between the Heavens and the Earth
Floating unseen, hoping for a chance at rebirth
Not prepared to deal with death, but he already came
And seals his claim, for the body under the souls name

He appeals as he’s withdrawn from his expired home
But death has already gone, and he’s forced to roam
From dusk until dawn, with no light to guide
Him to a site where he can peacefully reside
So he floats in the cold and darkness of night
Hoping his bleak outlook eventually turns bright

Hope slips; his head falls, eyes becoming weak
Tears are shed and flow silently past each cheek
But all his fears fall upon the deaf ears below
When all seems lost, there appears a small glow
He wipes his eyes, and cautiously descends from the skies
His search for light finally ends, and his spirit begins to rise
The flicker becomes brighter, and he’s delighted
Floating quicker, the glows location is sighted

Past the first, is second after that even more
Following the lights, deeper past earths floor
The path leads to the gates of fury and fire
He is to tired to leave, and in hell he’ll retire
Once a floating soul with not a sign of hope
Everyday not knowing how he’s going to cope
Now he does all the evil bidding for the devil
Wished before that he was ready for the other level

*Other level being Heaven