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Old 01-14-05, 05:43 PM   #25
Eternal's Avatar
Posts: 1,089

Originally Posted by Indeph
V3 wins to me,like the color better
and the position and backround..just my thoughts

version 3/wins

explain ya vote........


When you vote you must include 7 of these terms:
1. Cutting
2. Backround
3. Font (how it goes with the sig, spelling, mechanics, etc..)
4. Blending (if used)
5. Quality (blurriness, quality of pic, etc..)
6. Originality
7. Colors (matching, look, etc..)
8. Level of Difficulty (the rest of the grading should determine it)
9. Appearance (how it looks overall)
10. Overall Score (x/10)

like that
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