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Old 01-15-05, 01:39 PM   #31
Die Hard
cold cold, keep shaking
Die Hard's Avatar
Posts: 521
From: California

Originally Posted by •Para¶el•
Voted For: Legend

opener: L
closer: L
vocab: O
punchlines: L
wordplay: no one
stucture: O
flow: L
Cretivty: L
multis: no one

V/ Legend

ok first of all i wasent feeling your stradegy it wasent there you need to work on your punchline syour to basic and cheesy...i would rather see creativty from your lines cuz you got potential but just keep poppin shit cuz you got potential but work on flow didnt flow enough to be a audio...

hmm not the best ive seen from you but your punches were there...i saw how your stucture lacked...but your flow worked...and you were creative threw all the lines...nothing different from you tho...but you took this easly i think...


D/R vote if i ever saw one....
Seeing as they are buddies, collaborating on a lame diss to me...
*yawn* delete my vote plz.