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Old 01-16-05, 03:18 AM   #98
Real Nigga, nigga.
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Posts: 865

I'm bout to smack this stupid ass Mexican nigga.
No wonder most of the biters on RB are still there. Nigga used the line the same exact way BTK did, just used my name. And you wanna 'oh, it's played, so it can't be bit' 'I seen it at a joke site' Shut your dumbass up, you fucking faggot.
You act like this mothafucka hasn't been caught biting over 09495980590539053 times. You still think he thought of that line, the same EXACT way by himself? Are you fucking dumb? ARE YOU INSANE? You really think he didn't bite with all the evidence being provided right in your fucking face?
And you're sitting here talking bout all we wanna do is get him kicked out...WOW. you would let some faggot ass faggot run around in Junior just using 'played' lines or 'flipped' concepts be champ without thinking, 'Hey, I've seen that before' Seriously...are you fucking dumb? I wanna smack the shit outta you right now. How can you sit here and defend old boy? Oh shit I wanna backhand you so're dumb as hell.

.....Get Soulclapped, E-Style.....