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Old 01-16-05, 10:52 PM   #5
George K.Stanza
Posts: 162

Nothing's innocent it's the incentive in,
sin and it's been a friend pent within a pen
left, the venom injected reflections dissect sentiment
wrenched with intent from my head
on a quest to collect the intimate...
impressions hid repressed amidst the caustic locked away
in a closet where even God’s grip fought to pick the safe
a Bic the makeshift Faust fixed a faucet upon my brain
evicting the strain as thoughts drip....

fuck im sorry mayne...
this was all i got done, i was busy as hell this
weekend and on top of that i felt like shit
today. So as you may have guessed
writing wasn't a top priority. Again i apologize
i hadn't intended for this to happen and i wanted
to post at least what i had done so you wouldnt
feel like you wasted a verse. I know it's not 20
so you can dq meh if ya want but i just didnt
want you to think i was ducking or gonna no show