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Old 01-18-05, 01:12 AM   #6
As Seen On T.V.
Posts: 1,498

natural disasters:

true life, i survived 9-11...


i managed to decline a flight of stairs.
three and a half limbs still fair, one wound bare.
eighty five flights remain, dared to risk it.
and willed to live, i wasnt gonna be a 9-11 statistic.
my name wont be listed...i motivated myself.
did you imagine success, using God's help?
or were you soul determined, fearless of death?
wit kicked in, like natural selection at best?
how did you make it to ground level?

breached the fire hose & bent the metal...
so the hinge of the spindle wouldnt give.
at this point, id do anything it took to live.
my train of thought: "make it home to mrs."
and this is...ayesha. my at home business.
what were her concerns about the incident.
she was a bit shaken up, and a bit sentament.
she was probaly the only reason im here & alive.
because? shes my inspiration, my wife, my pride.
hadn't you survived, what would she have done.?
move states with our son & collected the retirement fund...
i guess. youve reached level one, whats next?
catch my breath, what else was there to do but rest?
there was no sight of escape, light was dim.
couldnt help but think what my day might have been... if i had listened, and stayed home that eleventh.
see, i caught the flu four days prier...the seventh.
tell me your post ditress feelings & thoughts.
how on earth did you manage to run 4 blocks...
down the streets of NYC... with a limb cut at the knee?

peramedic assistance is well expected at a catasrophe.
they tossed me in a mobil bed & escaped by foot.
had no identity, since my face was caped in soot.
looking back, do you regret what's happened.
no, you cant change the past and, infact im laughing.
im so glad that im back in action, i cant begin to mention.
my physician sewed my limb and...gave me an extension.
God bless those inventions. and for the next few years?
i plan to spend goodwill time with fam, like sam from cheers.
my regards are for those who lost one, words of tribute...
...will surely be perceptive. thank you sir, your truth is truely respected.

only had 40 lines to tell it.
idk if it made the cut.