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Old 01-18-05, 04:05 AM   #4
The Original Half Ass King
Spektikul's Avatar
Posts: 5,165
From: Canada

This crew has gone to your head, too much governments got you twisted
They dont even think your dope, the bottoms where youll remain listed
I Insisted to battle better, saw the letters in your name re-arranged
Before you had to battle me you called yourself Life, then it changed
Fuck a K.O., I'll lay in the middle of the ring, and wait for the pin
What yall dont know is he mailed me his sig,as a bribe to let him win
Its funny how you try an diss...cause all of your punches always miss
Whats it like having the touch of death...when you go and take a piss
I thought you had some real talent dawg, but so much for all the hype
Youll never get a chick, because even your'keyboard' aint your 'type'
Your just an absurd-computer nerd herb,who is workin for minimum wage
Can't bring death to me on a page, Only possibility would be old age
Your rage has got you steamed, and the warmth has got you turning red
After this battle youll be left just like your crew soon enough..dead
I heard he tried to spit audio, but death's breath was left screaming
Your so self - glorified, if you continue your name will lose meaning
Your lyrics might be deadly... but your conceidedness eats at my hate
I'll hold a mirror in you face, so you can visually realize your fate
Only half of my skills were used,yet I still managed to destroy death
Whats the point in dropping,do everyone a favour and save your breath