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Old 01-18-05, 09:02 AM   #18
Gods Of War! -yeah im one
Dex's Avatar
Posts: 1,453
From: UK

Voted For: MaRVJay1009

MaRVJay1009: Ya verse was damn good brother! The open was good. Hit him hard with a personal, used the metaphor, bit of a multi use. Referred to the same site as he used against you i gather but your opener was better. Basically as i havent seen the site you can really say watever you want about his activities oever there and i would be none the wiser. Your close was quite good, sounds like a personal to me, quite a good punch but his closer sucked so you came off a lot better. Your verse as a whole was packed with good punches and some nice metaphors. The verse was far more advanced over the lunatic's in my opinion and there was some real heat between yous from that other site that made this an enjoyable battle.

Lethal Lunatic: I liked ya opener a lot. A good personal punch which hit hard. I do think however his was slightly better so you lost out there. I wasnt a fan of your closer at all bro. It wasnt shit, it was just basic and his was better than basic so therefore yours looked worse. Overall a good verse with good punches, a good flow and structure. It had some personals in it and it as definately heated. I dont think there was any love lost between the two of you in this battle.

Good verses none-the-less

vote: marvejay

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