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Old 01-18-05, 08:21 PM   #20
Posts: 636

Voted For: FuxJustAWord

Fuxjust a word came harder in this one... his punches were, i wouldnt say more thought out, but were overall better. I understand that CALI had a lotta personals and stuff, but they weren't really punches. If we were going on wordplay alone, then of course CALI would win, but as an overall battle, Fux got this one. His best line was the "listed" as "black" part. that was funny and true.
CALI had a few punches, but personally, i think they were weak and some of the stuff about Chicago wasnt really battle material- i mean, it just didnt make sense, like saying that he was from the land of Hoover--- dont get me wrong, but how is that offensive if he was a gangster? GD is big in chicago mayne... and i dont think anyone outside of the Chi would really get that anyways... whateva... you heard my reasons,

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