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Old 01-19-05, 01:36 PM   #14
Premanition's Avatar
Posts: 1,693
From: Uk

Voted For: •Para¶el•

alrite this in the end was an easy decision for me to make....

parallel was superior to dam in this battle, para has elevated well in topicals recently n came wiv a nice verse here...

para - flow was dope n neva went off point, structure good, vocab i liked alot and i felt a gud degree of emotion in there, good stuff fam

dam - neva seen ya do topicals before n this was o.k but i didnt think it rhymed very well first off....example =

'Evil genie is not specificaly the satan,its all us women and men
were like bee's and cinanum,we dont fit,we dont understand'

^^^this doesn't rhyme....structure n emotion were o.k but out classed here, keep elevating


can y'all hit this topical battle wiv final, thx...