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Old 01-21-05, 02:55 AM   #5
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From: sacramento

babtized in fire

If a man could see past what his eyes could view
We would surpass this cruel life filled with subdue
We lack the grace of religion and exist in a life of sin
When did life begin? When will life choose to end?
These thoughts distract us from what our eye’s rarely set focus
We live everyday without a care blaspheming the laws of mosses
They say we’re put on this earth only to proceed to a better place
Only the good shall carry on as the rest stay as a disgrace
The scared atheist proclaim that god is merely a delusion
If they have no religion why do they preach that god is an illusion?
Soon everyone will follow there idol and times will grow worse
The gates of hell will open and a demon will amerce
The anti-Christ will promise to give you everything you desire
Exchange for you soul he will give you all you inquire
Now, ashes have been swept away because you where baptized in fire
However, the believers of Jesus will proceed to the gates
While in the palm of satins hands he holds everyone else’s fates

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