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Old 01-23-05, 12:11 PM   #9
ready 4 wuteva
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Posts: 344
From: da 704

Odds Stacked Against Me

a heartless hood; hundreds of niggas
some two faced, some loyal,all struggling
with the odds stacked against me still I rise
I rise above poverty becoming a real man
many hate my success out of spite for their faliures
they want what I have but fear losing it as it came
with the odds stacked against me i excel
exceeding expectations rising to conquer all who oppose
why can this not be for the entire black nation?
have we not been oppressed for too long?
with the odds stacked against us why must we hate?
why? why i ask can we not come together for a cause
to triumph above poverty and become a better people?
with the odds stacked against me still I rise
encouraged by those such as Malcom X, MLK, and Rosa Parks
the fight for our freedom still is not over
when we can walk the streets freely only shall it be complete
the odds are stacked against us all because of the color of our skin
however we shall prevail, some way..........we must
with the odds stacked against us we must overcome
unite as one brothers and sisters alike a strong nation
how long must we kill each other before we realize
the lifestyle of the ghetto is self-genocide
with the odds stacked against me i pray for peace
i pray for a better future for all who have struggled
education and peace is they key; they only way out
the only way to stack the odds on our side
do i need a fuckin sig?