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Old 01-23-05, 08:57 PM   #6
Rastafari Walk Tall
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Posts: 4,527
From: East London, (Hackney)

Baptized In Fire

........Hear Me.......

Inevitable circumstances, like my life is already wired on God's motherboard
My head is dipped in the rages of ancient malevolent narcotic lords
Im an embryo,terminally ill, constricted at the neck by poverty's umbilical cord
My life is diagnosed to be ill-fated, like at my temple lies the tip of a sword
As im engulfed in the fires of old that have ravaged the times of past
The blaze spews out of every molecular skin pore, burning through my leg cast
Im awake to the fact that life in the ghetto, is like being born into hell
Walking around with tormented entities, suffering with pains that holy water cant quell
I stand, bathed in the flickering souls of previous lost and tortured generations
Driping in their essence, their pain, their emotions, resulting from ghetto confrontations
I was born suprised, i saw the light but it was disguised by a false baptize
Now my emotions are ruled by despise, emotion that once conjured cannot be revised
Baptised in fire, rename the allocated title and theme my ghetto gospel
Because life keeps one in the fire and brimstone and people can use my verse as a hostel
My life at any moment in this heritical fantasy can spontaneously combust
Its like the lord has the lock to happiness, but he let the key disintegrate and rust
To the followers and zions he has in many ways broken his unwritten code of trust
In Christ's name for centuries they have died, many feel their baptism injust
The screams of grief, murder and temptaion, fail to be surpassed by the god's angelic choir
Because in this world, itis impossible for a human being to advance higher
As my very foundations are being burned at, my task is futile, i must retire
Im doomed to fail,because being born in the ghetto is like being baptized in fire

i will do my votes 2moro when i get home form school...~1~

"His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, King of Kings of Ethiopia and Elect of God"


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