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Old 01-23-05, 10:04 PM   #22
Logic The Goonie
I can rap and stuff.
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Posts: 10,226
From: So. Killa Kali

Parrrrrt two...

The night she kissed me I was happy as fuck.

But once again, she started going out with Gabriel. So I was feeling like there was nothing to be there for. But I did start getting closer to my niggas again. I went to Arizona with Christian and Lorren to see their aunt, which was fun, but they kept on talkin shit about me being in love with Ashley, which I found fucked up but I got over it.
Then Ashley broke up with Gabriel and I was ready to jump on that, word was she was gunna ask me out. But no, she decided to go out with some fuckin bitch from a school she doesn't even go to, and he lives relatively far away AND he has a rep for cheating on his girlfriends, I then considered her dumb in terms of relationships. She started letting everyone read all the fuckin letters I gave her, trying to "clown" on me for my feelings to her. Pure bullshit.
So after a little while longer, Amber and the other Ashley moved out, Latoya was gone and Josh was starting to come over less and less. Unfortuneatly so were Christian and Lorren. Elmo was falling out of star status. But the luster of the place as a whole was diminishing.
Wayneeshas OLDER sister, Raquel-19, started dating this 40 year old nigga, Charles, who had a son named Dominique. I was chillin with him a lot more, all the girls was on his DICK like whoooooa. He could never understand why I loved Ashley so much because he coulda had her so easy but never did. Anyways he started going out with Wayneesha ( for you slow people, if Raquel and Charles woulda gotten married, Wayneesha would be his fucking AUNT ) so he was coming out less and less. I was only able to go over ohhhhh about once or twice a week, so things were going by fast as hell. Ashley was going out with this mexican coward named Ronald. Wayneesha was still going out with Dominique. Christian and Lorren RARELY were around. Elmo was inside a lot. The shit was dying. It wasn't the same without me.
I talked to Wayneesha sometimes and she would tell me how much she wished it could go back to the old days, when I was always around, when we could sit outside and talk instead of always having to go somewhere.
Longer story short...
As of the last time I have been there:
Wayneesha still is going out with Dominique, she says she loves him more than anyone she has ever loved, and doesn't really care about the thought of one day becoming his aunt.
Christian and Lorren are still around, stay inside mostly, he still skips around with his girlfriends and Lorren is going into a phase where he wants to be all popular and shit.
Stephany moved back to wherever she came from and isn't gunna be around.
Elmo ran away from home and nobody has heard from him.
And Ashley is still going out with a mexican banger who pressures her to have sex. She comes to me for advice every now and then but I don't hear from her much. She flirts with me a lot, but whenever her boyfriend is around she starts frontin.

Basically, for me, that place died when I left. There have been moments of its old-time glory but everyone has changed their outside appearance and inside feelings, wich is homo. I'm gunna try and go over tomorrow so if I do i'll update yall on whats up.

( orry if the second part wasn't as good but I kinda fell away from the place+it dying doesn't leave much to say )

Track of the week:
Keith Murray - Nobody Do It Better
I rocked bells with L, SON!

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