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Old 01-24-05, 07:02 AM   #57
Gods Of War! -yeah im one
Dex's Avatar
Posts: 1,453
From: UK

Voted For: C.A.L.I

Good verses from both.

CALI: Your opener was real good. Metaphor used to hit the punch personally. Definately killed his open. Ya close was fucking heavy! was well feeling that. I liked the last bit bout 'big'. Was definately cool and beat his closer. Your personals were thick and fast in this, you definately done your homework. Punches were real good, at the highest level. Your flow was good making it easy to read and the structure had no faults. Very nice wordplay towards the end aswel by the way. The obvious winning verse.

Fuxjustaword: Your opener was cool, but not good enough against CALIs. Your close was ok wiv nice metaphor but once again came off alittle lighter in my opinion. No real personals there. The problem was that you used the shit in the toilet thing wen there is alot more you can use than that. The punched were good. I particularly liked the "listed as black" line. But all in all your punches and personals lost you this

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