Thread: Why is it..
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Old 01-24-05, 03:00 PM   #15
As Seen On T.V.
Posts: 1,498

whats the point of an alias ( i understand its purpose, im just contridicting it ) if you need more than one account, it should not be for rook props, vets should remain known, and wacks should remain unknown, we all have a common purpose of being on this site, which i hope is to simply elevate, become better than what you were before you started. i myself came from true wackness, i admit it. i was no impressive starter. i am no good at text, i admit that as well, but i have skills in other provinces. i write to acclaim the future, so i can peer back at today 5 years from now, and wonder what i presereved great amounts of my god willed time doing. i cant sit here and 'tell' you im going to be more than average, i know thats not something to look foward to, i just want to let everyone know that i subscribed to this site for a completely different reason that which i remain here for. i have been on and off the site since august, im not no rookie, im no partician, im no mod, im no beefer, im not even league winner. im not well known...i just loak the forum and battle and win, and battle and lose. but with respect i battle not to win, but to make something out of the day. this site is not nicotene like to me, but i still am attached to it. the fair culture of the board isnt so fair all the time but i love it. obviously you all do to, (ole' timers) because your still here. i just wanna have fun.

and what i really want to know is, for what lasting purpose and for what intent were internet rap sites conceived for?

*verbal exits the confessional, dries eyes and sits slowly.*
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