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Old 01-27-05, 04:26 PM   #10
Whys That?
Posts: 2,007

Voted For: Legend

diz nigga got sum nerve calling himself a legend emcee//
when it'z obvious ur probably a legend at beating off ur meat/

not the best opener,no punch.

c it'z bitches like u dat give diz site such a bad name//
claiming u got da heart of a tiger when u know dat ur tamed//
kind of a punch.ok rhyme.Unsure if its a personal.

i spit lyrics dat r burn ya flesh just like it was acid rain//
so u figura u pull a no-sho just so u wouldn't have 2 hide ur face in shame//
played lines have been used alot.

overall medium drop, but you still gotta alot room to elevate.
vote goes to legend,for having overall more punches,good wordplay and better vocab.