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Old 01-27-05, 06:12 PM   #4
..Peruvian Cocaine..
Decree.'s Avatar
Posts: 34
From: Compton

Topic-Death's Struggle

superior faces torn criteria of races feeble kind commited genocide
vaxine gasp's every breath corrupted molicues exumed like paroxide
fighting prevails useless frequently vast death thresh hold on man's nation
dark, shadows the wall provided the scene studders with english translation
a meir pawn revolutionized with little potential suicidal is his only credential
fear warrants vale situations amongst hesitations incripted essential
token of silence forsaken's violence harsh reprecusions are questionable
evil carrys many identity's majestic lies art of "tall tales" objects impressionable
technique's evolve mastered like poetic words death is forever captured
blood spilled for reason plastered vendettas carried out an raptured
infested diseases proclaim lives as was jesus crosses crucified
contested youths materialize homacide look and ask who survived?
divine addictions twined restrictions doomed prescriptions homeless evictions
all mark the end of a era unforgetable hard saught thoughts revinve deaths enetible
exumed expressions at fault reguarding times period laced without no gloves
death?just in our own minds scriptures fact non fiction confliction?we killin our own selves