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Old 01-27-05, 07:51 PM   #15
Armada Da 187
Banned: Cheating
Armada Da 187's Avatar
Posts: 842

Voted For: Empire

Close battle

But I gotta give it to Empire

Empire came with way stronger hits then Dex did

Empires bes line:
Mike skinner in ur avy? well, I'll make u jump outta ur "SKIN" b4 u grab da "MIC".
But da words "DOPE" & "DEX" in da same line, to us all it jus dont sound rite.
(Pretty Good)

Flow was a tie both were good
Structure went to Empire dex ya had alot of ..................... wasnt liken it man
all was pretty much tied up cept for the punches

Dex ya punches were tuned but not hard they sorta slipped i mean usin movies n disses i neva have felt that from anybody

Dex bes Line:
It was fate you took the hate off CALIs plate..
………………………………..cos your probably related
(cut all the dots man but nice line)