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Old 01-28-05, 10:46 AM   #25
Only the Illist
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From: your worst nightmare

Originally Posted by MadProphet
ima go w/ troop for having the best answer in this thread

its basically a question of would you rather be demorilized, made to feel like you were less then shit made to feel inferior, beaten regularly, seperated from your family and tortured mentally and physically (slavery) or well...we all know what the holocaust had

donlt look at amounts of people, im talkin about what a worse experience would be for the people that went through it

the worse experiance people went through? and i take it that you say slavery was worse? read a fuckin book, u and troop both... goddamn! the holocaust was about a million times worse than slavery ever was... now like i said in a previous post im not downplaying slavery, it was a bad time for america and the world... but the holocaust was a time of unspeakable terror and evil. jews were nearly WIPED OUT as a race! the holocaust is still seeing effects today... if the holocaust had never happend the jewish population would be normal, but it is still way down. in slavery were people burned alive in an oven as there family stood in line to be done away with the same way... in slavery were people led to belive it was finaly time to take a shower only to be gassed to death by the masses?... were slaves experimented on and reguarly castrated? slavery was a horrible time in history, many people DID die... people were whipped and forced away from there family, but they were fed, kept relativly helthy so they could work... in the holocaust people were not fed half the time and when they did get to "eat" it was little to nothing at all... people were seperated from there familys never to see or hear from them again... some survivors of the holocaust that made it to liberation day who are still alive today still wake up screaming of the horrors that they had to endure in theyre time in the ghettos and camps... i ask you this... did the slaves wake up every morning to the smell of burnt flesh filling the air, wondering if it was theyre mother, father, sister or brother whom they are smelling being burnt alive? did the slaves awake to the sound of a screaming baby being tested on and then murdered?

to all those who say slavery was worse... i say go read a fucking book because the holocaust makes slavery look like sesame street and thats for fuckin real
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