Thread: Pair-A-Dyce
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Old 01-28-05, 03:02 PM   #9
Van Ished
Throwback Member
Posts: 962
From: Dallas/Jacksonville/Cleveland

Originally Posted by d.j em sce
so you are saying once i get in college i will get the urge to put peanut butter and bread aswell as many other condiments in my closet...

I'm telling you if you live in a dorm, say good bye to a refridgerator, not like I have a damn kitchen geez, I have a mini fridge and a microwave, then I have a bed, desk, dresser and two portable closets. I have no storage space and I'm lucky to have two closets, everyone else has one. so unless you are goin to buy me a construction company to add a kitchen to my room, I will continue to store my food in the closet next to my hats and above some clothes!!!

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