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Old 01-30-05, 12:25 PM   #4
ready 4 wuteva
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Posts: 344
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Topic-hell On Earth


death is every where but living is worse
someone take me away from this hell on earth
pain is constant, my first and last feeling
i'm mentally scarred there is no healing
tears of blood congregate in my eyes
listen closely, can you hear my silent cries?

this life isn't worth living, so why wait
what's the use in living when i know my fate?
eternal rest is the only peace that can truly come
and free my soul from injustices done
the only friends I can find are my misery
my pain and my revenge for the agony life's given me
am I made stronger by what i have experienced
or am I made more fragile, nearly delerious

I no longer fear death why should I? what's the use
this earth is hellenic, why hide the truth
only time can tell how much longer i'll survive
through this troublesome life God is my only guide
sometimes however i am furious at his creation
how could there be so much hate rising from something sacred
then in a moments notice i reconcile, stand as a man
knowing i'll be in paradise soon when i've fulfilled his plan
only then do i realize not all is bad i recieve amenity
this earth is hell but still i find complete serenity
do i need a fuckin sig?