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Old 01-30-05, 12:52 PM   #15
Rastafari Walk Tall
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Posts: 4,527
From: East London, (Hackney)

ECKO: luvin ur voice man.........da person who sed bout the hisses is right, but its not that noticeable unless u look 4 it....lyrics were average as was vocab...flow was mostyl on point a few stretches..probs 2nd best verse

ENYGMA: damn.........after ECKO's verse u slam in hard after ECKOs more laid n hcilled tones.....nd wid mad multi flow..u str8 up shone and excelled on dis shizzle man....i was feelin ur flow, lyrics, emotion, multis...and dere was nuff moments where me and ma boys were goin oooooooohhh....not d/ring u man, but u probs had illest verse on dis ting..weerd

20 GRAND: i kinda tink ur underrated by most..u got likin ur voice..but damn ur drop was short man...was disappointed, kinda wanted 2 hear more man..ur flow was on beat all the way thru..good lyrics n vocab

CARSON JET:first not feelin ur voice on dis..its not soundin like u u usually do...did u use some effect on ur vocals or sumin..cos i aint feelin dnt quite fit wid the beat and it stands out for the wrong reasons from the rest..........ur flow was on point all the way through, u 4sho had the illest lyrical content on this track but u hav to strain to vibe wid ur flow cos of ur voice..mic prescene etc was dope man..just werent feelin ur voice on dis

A lot of ppl vibin bout the quality etc, but unless ur all some studio MC's 24/7 wicv the best equipment money can buiy like signed artists the quality will neva be as gd as some of these ppl want it 2 be...I was feelin this track, every1 came strong and it was dope... - 8.5/10

"His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, King of Kings of Ethiopia and Elect of God"


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