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Old 01-31-05, 11:24 AM   #39
unknown legend...
Adrenaline's Avatar
Posts: 889
From: Tdot

Originally Posted by final
pac is...and will be the greatest person to ever grace a mic...end of story with that

as for eminem
i listen to anything up to eminem show...basically the shit thats funny...because you cant be sad all the time...eminem is there to make you laugh like fuck with his punches and lines so i respect him definately for that

but pac will always be the best to me because of the things you said...i understood mad shit and it made me change my view on the world and made me try and make a change in the community and the rest of the world...pac is the realest and i hope i get like him someday to a point where everyone respects you thats just eternal...


if we all listen to 2pac's positive messages then why do we still kill our own people...I think he said once that the government just gives hoods guns and stuff so we can take out our own race...there's not much of a point in that but it's worth saying.

unto eM, he is aiight...all of his funny songs are rEAL without me or just lose it and stuff..but his other songs like lose urself or for the moment are still tight..I don't really care about him still,he has talent but sometimes he's just dumb...
Unknown Legend...
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