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Old 01-31-05, 05:04 PM   #5
New to RV
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Posts: 19
From: England

i tripped across your profile and it seems your wacker than expected,
so you think your connected, selling drugs well your geting lyrically infected,
your wrecked kid, your 13 years old you cant even spell a simple word,
now you can write a verse, thats gotta be the gayest thing that ever occured,
i take it you like to scare people theexorcist4747, you'll be familiar with 666,
flip it upside down you got 999 you'll be dialing that number with a head full o bricks,
ill give it four more lines considering i asked for ten seems you cant even read,
you should give up and pleed, this druggy has been taking too much speed,
i posted this verse in 7 minuts or less, i dont need to waste time on a rookie,
it's sad to see this cat come up and get put down to be crumbled like cookies,

i came kinda simple buts thats all i needed,


*in his profile it says he is a drug dealer so i went off that for a bit
*he is 13 years old
*he spelt ghost wrong
*his aim is theexorcist4747
*666 is the devil
*999 is the emergancy number in the u.k

thats about it... lets hope he shows..

hope you like i asked for 10 lines and he did unlimited