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Old 02-02-05, 03:23 AM   #6
UnDeR My InFlUeNcE
bandit_queen's Avatar
Posts: 190
From: Tha Hood/Hell Bound...

when he appeared, he made a sort of explosion behind him, that drove him to what`s he now... he one good white rapper, i am a super big fan! his way ov makin fun ov otherz iz one ov his best points, and he really does it in a good way...! his emotions are driven in a sort ov mic way... he sings and we understand... it sounds simple, but it isn`t so simple... HE`S GOOD!! that`s why i like him! peace
<<<....:::Ju$t DoN`t GiVe A fUcK:::...>>>
<<<.::UnDeR dA iNfLuEnCe::.>>>

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