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Old 02-02-05, 11:28 AM   #3
Obscure Intelligence
*DipSet*'s Avatar
Posts: 252
From: Behind Your Head With A Glock

As I sit here and write this I can't help but think....
If I am truly crazy maybe I might be on the brink....
of Insanity could I be a truly insane individual....
I can't come to grips that I have a deteriorating mental...
My Mind is all distorted I'm talking to Malcolm X and Ghandi....
Their dead
Their dead? what the fuck but I talk to them constantly.....
and what about my conversations with Che Guevara & Marcus Garvey?....
about revolution revolting against injustices that constantly remind me....
about why I was taken from africa and forced to work hard....
trying to cope with the everyday stress of being a slave always talking to GOD....
But you were never a slave
I am a slave to the system meaning I was never meant for great things...
I was deemed a threat before I was even born so do you know what anguish my pigment brings...
I'm always looked at as a burden to the american dream....
I mean~what am I to do if everything I do is for not....
and I wasn't going to make it out of the hood without getting shot...
So am I always the one robbing liquor stores with a mask and a gun....
statistics said I wasn't going to make it to twenty-one....
Why are you talking to yourself?
SHUT THE FUCK UP! Why are you always being so damn negative....
I have my own life my own existence so can I live?
I'm thinking out loud that is why my mouth is moving....
They keep me in this jacket and this padded room my sanity I'm steadily loosing....
so when I'm released from my prison I know what must be done...
I can't take another day without looking at the sun....
so I'm going back home since from heaven I was sent....
and when I'm gone all my past sins GOD shall repent....

-:Me V%S J.Burkez:-

-:Me V%S BiZzo:-

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