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Old 02-03-05, 06:09 PM   #8
The Wig
New to RV
Posts: 93

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
Aiight, it could just be your quality, but it seems like your voice is muffled a bit.. And you slur a lot. Writing style kind of reminds me of Eminem, you listen to his music a bit?

Overall this wasnt a bad track, I think you could benefit from producing your stuff more than just spitting it over a beat. Sometimes good mixing can mean the difference between sounding professional and sounding amature..

Try dubbing your stuff more, maybe adding some dub effects, some end of verse effects, some chorus effects over your hooks.. Use the equalisor tools next to your volume controls on cool edit to try and get crisper sound.. And if your not already, use dynamic processing and some filter EQ's..

Yeah, I listen to Eminem a bit. But then again, I listen to Jedi Mind Tricks, Deltron 3030, and Nas a whole lot, too. :-P

As for doing all that other stuff, I really don't know how. :-/ I'm clueless when it comes to that. Do you have any tutorials or anything that could help me?
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