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Old 02-04-05, 05:56 PM   #5
Whyte Ave.
Light Weight
Whyte Ave.'s Avatar
Posts: 319
From: Ill Woods, E-Town

You just can’t live without it, but it’s really killing you
Filling your lungs with smog, burning a hole through
Your heart, and it’s making you smell like an ashtray
Filled with buts, and your life’s slowly rotting away
But you’re obsessed with this cancer filled stick
Lighting up a pack a day and you know it’s sick
But you can’t stop now that you’ve had a puff
Dishing out bills because you just can’t get enough

It all started back in grade school, with your first light
Trying to be cool, even though you knew it wasn’t right
It started with just one or two a week, but it grew from there
A smoke after every class, filling lungs with contaminated air
Filling the need by stealing money from mom and pop
Mind bleeds because this is wrong, but you still won’t stop
Gone to long without and your body starts to quiver
You need that rush that only a cigarette can deliver

You start to tire easily, and struggle for each breath
Go to the doctor, and he says that you’re near death
Cancer has taken over your lungs, and you need to quit
You try too, but your obsession won’t allow you to do it
You continue to take drags, and puff two packs a day
Until your obsession finally takes you in as its prey
The stick you needed to live, has caused you to pass away