Thread: J Dot vs D.T.
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Old 02-04-05, 06:43 PM   #11
Banned: Cheating
Posts: 73

Voted For: J DOT

Your Crew Aint Worth Saving Coz Like Retards You Don't Finish What You Start
His Crew's Falling Apart So Quick His Co Leader Doesn't Have Time To Depart
ummm... wack 4/10
J Dot Get's Emotional Coz TheWhackest Call's Him The Punchline Genious
Coz like Lay's Potato Chips, J Dot Could Never Get Nuff Of Tha Q's Penis
bad meta, Q lines are played 3/10
Only Way He Spitting Straight Is If His Rap's Came In Perfect Stencils
His Writing Is Like, Amateurs Coz His Mentals Is Allergic To Pencils
a little better 6/10
Knock Out Queens Couldn't Hold The Thrown If They Bribed All Of RV
Drama Queens Coz Like Malibu's Ken J Dot Left To Play With Barbie's
blah, again wack meta, 5/10
Go Back To Arbies, So You Can Try And Ketchup On What I'm Teaching
His Punches Is like Arm Amputees, He Swinging But It's Not Reaching
whoa! you pulled a *troop*, but *troop* is wack 4/10
His Imaginated Scheme Of Merking Me Is like Walt Disneys Pictures.....
This Kid's Flow Compared To Mine Is Like Flash Lights To Light Fixures.......
nonono wack meta 3/10

I'l burn ya house, circle tha block and watch it rot
And threaten to kill u if u ever tried to tell tha cops
whoa wtf was this man? 3/10
I got this on lock...Fuck wit DOT, u come up short
This nigga wanted to 'kill beef', so he showed up with 'forks'
ok lol not bad... 6/10
Tryna feast with me...ya head'll meet ya feet
I run the 'center like O'Neal', cause i keeps 'Tha Heat'
lucky that line aint played yet but it will be, 6/10
Have some admit ya crew is weak
u, you leader, yo fans...and tha fags yall breed
nope sorry man no punch, 3/10
N.O.K. got this B...and yo team lack skillz
in this battle 'I Rack' (IRAQ) wins, to show how 'Anthrax Killz'
'I rack' had nothing to do with anything, 4/10
I mastered tha best, u gaspin for breath, im snappin yo neck
...Beg for mercy now, while im graspin tha tech
no, no, no, no punch and gun lines = wack 2/10
Im laughin to death...cause u just a 'Lazy Boy' kid
U 'Comfortable shows it in yo sig
......... blah 5/10
Twitzed Government...and now we kno u wack
Save the embarrassment of yo crew, and dont spit back
closer to a punch... 4/10