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Old 02-07-05, 08:43 PM   #6
the medicine man
Posts: 7,487
From: East Coast

no hammer disses...too easy

Look.. How you want it? Im here to bring the Battle you Ordered
Your not a Leader....Your a Follower and Cattle Get Slaughtered
Fuck the odds of me winning this gamble...nigga Im Blind Betting
Plus Hammers punches fail to connect... like phone calls on 9-11
He need to elevate.....but i aint the stepping stone to Boost Him
He Cant See Me he went and took his eye out like Houston
But as far as text goes kid..Chingy wouldnt let you Ghost for Him
Look.....Ya fucking Trash the site'll Crash if you ever Post Again
Shit......Those Lines will NEVER hold weight on an Infinite Scale
They're Less Useful......than a Porno Tape to an Impotent Male
.................................................. ....................ANd Im Out