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Old 02-08-05, 07:34 PM   #79
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Alright.. Im not gonna quote past posts, cause thatd take forever..

But let me break it down for you..

SPuL has nothing to do with this.. I never said anything about him after our battle.. As everything was dropped there.. I dont know even know why you're talking about him.. I dont have beef with him.. Him being in a battle with me against you would be gay and pointless..

And, dont twist my words.

I said more people on the net respect me then you.

RB i have respect from quite a few people.. RM my rep level speaks for itself.. Ive admined and modded 4 sites.. Meaning, people trust/respect me..

What do you have?

This fucking site? In case you didnt get the memo.. THIS SITE ISNT DOPE!.. There are MAYBE.. 20 good text heads.. and thats being EXTREMELY generous.. Guess what? Your not one of them.. Still using """"----- and multis to win battles.. talkin about handicapped kids just to have some sort of wordplay.. even though it gets forced EVERY TIME.. YOU ARE FUCKING GARBAGE.. Ask ANYBODY with skill.. ANYBODY.. You SUCK..

Id rip the shit out of you.. Maybe not on this site.. Cause this site actually goes for multis and flow over punches and personals.. but on RB.. Hell yes..

And what does me not being the roundtable head have to do with anything?.. A week before that i told the crew i was thinking about leaving this site because of how wack it is.. When faggots like you get respect for posting forced wordplay and overused multis.. and still winning.. So, i wasnt sure what i was going to do, and they werent going to give me a spot on the head table knowing i was thinking about leaving.. It makes sense.

So, to conclude..

Suck a dick Just cause when you posted this thread you expected everybody to come in and say 'WHAT A FUCKING HOTTIE, ID BANG HER'.. I dont give a shit.. I dont think shes CLOSE to being hot, and im not gonna ride your nuts and say that she is.. So fuck you.. Im not gonna battle because you're mad i dont like your girlfriend.

Im sorry.. I didnt know my opinions mean so much to you.

Ill try to calm them down next time so i dont hurt your feelings.
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