Thread: Loyalty
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Old 02-09-05, 05:36 AM   #1
mizz fyre
**the council**
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stuck in a fued, mother and father, fight for pride
so close to both impossible to choose a side
young boy, thirteen, in himself only, he confided
striking belief in loyalty, what happens when its divided?
chats and meetings, little comments trying to get him to sway
everybody wanting custody, lawyers left asking which way?
he's so confused, how can life leave him so bemused
whatever he choose, still be feeling guilty like "the accused"
he wants to call a truce, but he can't see the light
his worlds so dark, like all he can see is the night
mother trying so hard, he was the baby she held in her arms
struggling, her house had more animals than most farms
father comes from nowhere, 13 years he wants daddy time
claiming he was too young, now its all good, he's in his prime
his son, told by peeps, he'd missed out on so much
only his mother there to pick him up when he was crushed
its like everyone's stuck in a game, can't remember who's turn
boy tempted like Usher just to say let it burn
too late, in the courts hands and they choose his mother
his fathers face filled with fury, cops suggest undercover
in hiding, different identities, schools and friends
told that they'd be safe but good luck is all they can send
how could they be wrong, boy hears a knock at the door
its all silence, mother, father, son are no more........

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