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Old 02-11-05, 02:09 PM   #7
Rastafari Walk Tall
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Posts: 4,527
From: East London, (Hackney)

Voted For: 9th Degree

OOOHH nice battle y'all..close but 9th took it.....

Called me out for makin' fun of you, so I'm bout to get killed right?
What you lack in a sense of humor you make up for with skill...sike
lol, tight humour punch aswell, nice opener-8/10
This kid's actin' futile, and I'm getting tired of bustin' fools
Wicked poses as much a threat as nail clippers in public schools
meh...ok i suppose..weak punch..nice flow - 7.5/10
You go overboard with shit talkin', far more than rock the boat
But now ya only defense would be pmin' people...not to vote
bam, hrd hitting punch, nicely set-up. gd flow n vocab -8.5/10
I really must've clowned you, but ready to rumble like Michael Buffer
So in this 3-ring circus the only one you receive is suffer
ill wordplay, nice flow, personal, and concept, gd punch -9/10
And as far as ya verse goes, you were prolly prein' it, whore
Why else would you tell me to drop a line 'bout how I beat you before?
u did well to turn that quote on him like creativity and tight pdiss at the same time, personal, flow gd -8.5/10
Ah fuck it, I ko'd you like it wasn't no thing, bastard
Well, that's it for tonite folks

-9th Degree, the Ringmaster
dope finisher yo..mmmm yea..heavy, personal, ill wordplay, gd creativity -9.5/10

tight drop 9th

9th you aint nothin but a fuckin fudge packin gay sex lovin boy
just a bitch made faggot who loves gettin raped for his Chips-ahoy
meh...ok opener not really hard hitting tho man..-7/10
what a joy it is to see you fall flat on ya face in front of all of RV
where all can see, the tragity at at hand when you step to me
nice floe, no punch/diss, just rhyming -7.5/10
yeah kid, you beat me once before back when you were P DIZZ
mores changed than ya name cause now we all know how fucked up u IS
decent punch, personal, flipped the script, tight -8.5/10
got a moth full-o-Jizz from suckin on SOCs Cock far to much
aint nothin but a dick rydin homo bitch, never gonna be more than such
lol, gd humour, nice personal, flow a lil off - 8/10
fuck kid, your so goddamn gay you make Tha Q look straight
just maybe the 2 of you should hook up and try to relate
punches wid Tha Q r not funny but jus played now...-7/10
everyone rides ya nuts but to me ya just fuckin over-rated
god made rappers but he musta been drunk when u were created
tight closer, hella nice lol, flow, creativity all gd -8.7/10

gd battle y'all as i sed but 9th came through here....


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