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Old 02-11-05, 05:19 PM   #37
Nynth Degree
In ya area.
Posts: 1,479

Well there were some very loud, very ignorant black girls in my Drama class last semester. They only talked to each other...all class hour long, and when you tried to hush them they screamed and shouted until you turnend back around...then they'd start singing Lil' Jon choruses like "you scared you scared!"...but one of them was so ignorant...

...That when she was performing a scenario for a project, she recieved a text message...and proceeded to stop what she was doing and respond in the middle of her performance! The teacher starts to say something, but she throws up her palm and says "HoldupgetoutmyfaceI'mbusy" (it all seemed like one word).
But she finally finished her text message and continued...about 3 minutes later.

I didn't think that was very cool
If you consider 4/20 a holiday, you probably smoke more crack than weed.
Originally Posted by C.A.L.I
ninth your a fucking idiot and im purposly spelling your name wrong...

PS, no Sony.
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