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Old 02-11-05, 05:28 PM   #43
New to RV
Posts: 47

Originally Posted by Socrates
Because a lot of them are fucking ignorant.

Nowadays in black society, you can't be "cool" unless you ditch class and run around the halls being loud as fuck. You gotta sit in the back of the bus being loud. You gotta smoke weed. What the fuck is this?

I feel alone a lot cuz at my school i'm the ONLY black person in honors and AP classes and it's just because the rest of them don't wanna seem like a nerd and try in school. This is bullshit. I have a lot of friends who when they first met me, stereotyped me like all hell because they don't have any proof of a successful and intricate african-american.

And when i'm in class every single day, some group of "ghetto" fucks walk by the room being stupid as fuck and it pisses me off but most of all it makes me embarassed.

For those of you who fall in this category, I really do hate you.



i think ur a fuckign dumbass for this thread.. its PEOPLE in general u fuckin moron.., not only black people.. iv seen WAY more people in other races skip than black people.. dont single out a race and say this is why they make me mad.... being black has nothing to do with it.. say these kind of people make me mad.. you are the only ignorant person in this thread... THIS is what pisses me off... i can see you dont travel much and you live with prodomently suburban kids... u need to step off your computer and see the real world.. cause ur REALLY uncultured if thats how u see it.. i am aalso in honors and AP classes and all that blah blah bullshit.. so what.. big deal... where the fuck do you live, fuckin montana?? u got a looooong road ahead of you man...
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