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Old 02-11-05, 10:35 PM   #58
DoContinue's Avatar
Posts: 1,637

i hate the way blacks get steroetyped... especially at my dumbass school... people at my school always say like- " and there was these two big ghetto black dudes" and im like damn... why cant they just be two people? like today when the two people got stabbed, it wasnt just random people, it was some ignorant fucks out there startin shit they couldnt handle... but anyways, since im takin really high classes (im in IB for those who know what that iws), im in a class with all white people (no blacks in IB at my school). So all these white people were scared about gettin stabbed and shit and they were all basically describing it like there was a "ghetto black guy" around every corner tryin to get them. in class they kept sayin that the problem was black people at our school and i was just feelin soooo mad... they stereotypin the problem to be just black people. i mean, when i use the word nigga, its universal... but these people talkin about blacks like that was really out of line. i mean, they were fuckin stereotypin a race and that gets into what soc was sayin... its not all black people who do this. i know some time it is and i feel as a people we need to make a conscious effort to conduct ourselves in an acceptable manner. when people say stuff about blacks being ignorant, i mean, just fuckin look up the def. of ignorant and u'll see its someone who lacks knowledge... people stereotype blacks a lot. this makes me mad, i mean its just... well, i've said to much already... im surprised anyone will read this...
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