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Old 02-13-05, 01:44 PM   #53
Armada Da 187
Banned: Cheating
Armada Da 187's Avatar
Posts: 842

Voted For: Mark Anthony

Voted for Mark

Good battle overall

Given Squad 7/10 on his verse
Give Mark a 8/10

Ight here is how it is goin down, Squad ya came strong most of your verse but there were a couple of punches that I really didnt understand so that threw me off plus some were weak as well, I know u can come harder then that
Ya flow was good no doubt bout that
Ya structure was good as well
Personals- Ya had very little bu thtey were ight
Vocab- It was ight nothing to spectacular but good

ight now Mark

Ya had some hard punches man most of them kept to a specific point weit the whole retard shyt
ya flow was good i could keep up as well
Ya structure was ight
Ya personals didnt see any sorry fam
vocab was good very creative

Ight so the Breakdown:
Punches- Mark
Flow- Tie
Structure- Tie
Vocab- Mark
Personals- Squad

so mark gets it 4-3

Good battle fams

Hit me up wit votes on my battle n return the fava
(at the bottom of my sig)

Not Hatin yo, Jus votin